How to Use LinkedIn to Get Noticed by Hiring Managers

LinkedIn Tips
Get noticed on LinkedIn

Often when I am interviewing a job candidate I ask them about how they are using LinkedIn to find jobs and get noticed by recruiters. I am amazed at how many people do not use LinkedIn to its fullest potential. LinkedIn has many ways that you can let recruiters know who you are and what type of job you are seeking. The clearer you are in communicating this the more likely your efforts will lead recruiters and hiring managers to contact you, making your job search a much more pleasant and productive experience. The following are a few tips that will help get you noticed by recruiters.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

LinkedIn is a platform for presenting yourself at your professional best. It is strongly recommended that you post a professional photo and background. The photo and background images are the first things an employer will notice when they look at your page. A picture of you sitting behind the driver’s wheel in your car or a picture of you with a friend’s arm around you, cropped just to show your face, just won’t do.

Follow Companies on LinkedIn

Let LinkedIn know what types of companies you are attracted to for work. Find several companies on LinkedIn that you would consider working for and become a “Follower” of their posts. If you can’t think of companies to follow, search the Internet for phrases such as the top 25 companies in a certain city, the best companies to work for in your industry, etc. Becoming a Follower assists you in a successful job search in that you are now indirectly connected to the people associated with those companies. It alerts the decision makers as to your interest in those companies. As a result, your name is more likely to appear in their searches when they are looking for potential employees.

Follow Groups on LinkedIn

Join groups that are specific to your industry or skill. There are thousands of groups to join on LinkedIn. Hover over the search field in LinkedIn, click on Groups, and do a search for key words related to your background and/or interests. Once you find ones that appeal to you, click “Request to Join.” Once you have been accepted into the group or groups, you will become part of a targeted audience of people more likely to be contacted, since recruiters post positions within groups.

Join Your School Alumni on LinkedIn

Join your school alumni on LinkedIn. You may be surprised to find someone who is working at the company you want to work for who could make an introduction for you to that firm. Reach out to connections from your school by sending them a message or giving them a phone call. Attend alumni events in your area.

Update Your Home Page with a Portfolio of Your Work

Upload key projects and presentations to your home page on LinkedIn. These may include such items as brochures you created, newsletters, videos, photos of projects, articles written, newspaper articles featuring you, and presentations you have made.

Craft a Well Written Summary Demonstrating Your Value

It is not enough to simply list your titles and experience on LinkedIn. Each job title has a different meaning to each company. Take the time to write a brief summary that fleshes out and provides context as to what you do and where you provide value.

Activate Yourself as an Active Job Seeker

Activate yourself as an active job seeker. Under Settings and Privacy select “Let recruiters know you’re open to opportunities.”


LinkedIn is a powerful platform for your career. These are just a few tips that will make it easier for employers to find you. Next week we will share even more tips about getting noticed on LinkedIn.